Thursday, May 29, 2008


Have you ever lost it with a telemarketer? I try not to,really. I know they are just trying to earn a buck and I'm sure they put up with a lot of abuse but WOW today I lost it. The telemarketer started in and as soon as she paused I said "No, thanks. I'm not interested." Usually I hang up before they have the chance to respond but today my reflexes were a little too slow. She began arguing with me. "How do you know you're not interested?" I was appalled. I asked, "What do you not understand about 'I'm not interested?" Why didn't I just hang up the phone? She started yelling at me, I mean YELLING at me. I couldn't even understand what she was yelling. So of course being the mature southern lady I am, I yelled back! I was engaged in a shouting match with some lady who I'll never know over an issue neither one of us really care about. Finally, common sense kicked in and I hung up the phone turned to my dog and asked, "What the hell just happened? How did I just turn into a cray woman?" Why didn't I just use that southern woman's catch all phrase, "Bless your heart" I mean I could have said, "Bless your heart, I know you're working hard and nobody really wants to list to your nice little pitch But the fact is, I'm am writing about fairies saving the world so I really don't have time to listen but I'm sure it's real nice."
Well, I suppose I can always use it the next time.
One more thing...After a few deep breaths and a long sip of coffee I realized I'm not really crazy. I know because the dog didn't answer my question.

1 comment:

K.M. Saint James said...

OMG, that made me laugh. As soon as the dog starts talking let me know.

Great entry.

Why do you stay away so long?

Come see me at my porch.